Welcome to the ODLC NATION

The Orthopaedic Diversity Leadership Consortium Engagement Platform for Members

Four Reasons to Join the ODLC Nation

It's one thing to be part of something awesome and fresh. It's another to be able to directly connect to fellow members as we travel this crazy journey of diversity leadership together. 

This platform fulfills the initial goal of ODLC - to facilitate a vibrant network of individuals who are charged with - or aspire to - leading DEI efforts. 

Here are 4 reasons why this matters. 

#1: Connect with Peers and Experts

ODLC Nation members are clinicians, learners, and corporate partners from across the globe. Interacting with individuals from a variety of backgrounds who are at different phases of the leadership path is what makes this Consortium special.

#2: Browse Unique Content 

Who doesn't love a good Transformation Talk? Now you can access the summaries of our unique ODLC Strategic DEI Leadership curriculum, in addition to a wide variety of posted articles to supplement learning based on your individual leadership needs. Negotiation tips? Personal leadership development pearls? 

Let's read about it - and talk about it! 

#3: Share Your Knowledge

Can we talk? ODLC members are content experts in many ways. If there is a foundational article - or a knowledge source that gets your juices flowing - post it to the ODLC Nation! We are in this together and each of us has something great to offer.


#4: Elevate Diversity Leadership

The ODLC network is growing. By joining our online community and expanding the content reach, we can enhance the resources provided to these critical, complex, and rewarding leadership roles. The need for DEI leadership is not going away. Be part of the Consortium exchange that contributes to advancing skills specific to this area and making it an attractive professional path in healthcare.